Chris Boucher, our Programme worker can offer a range of youth sessions for your youth group/school. Please take a look below and if you would like to book Chris then please fill out the form and we will be in touch with you as soon as we can.

Thank you!

Youth Sessions

Helping young people explore difficult issues together - honestly, practically and Biblically.

Youth Sessions


Our SHAKEN session has been designed to accompany the SHAKEN workbook for young people.

In The Big House we know that we are all like dice, and we get shaken sometimes. Thankfully, we have more control over how we land than dice do. SHAKEN has been designed to help young people make good choices to live well when life shakes.

It’s a book and a game! Roll the 20 sided dice and the number it lands on is the coping mechanism you are going to try. We are each uniquely made and loved by God, and there will be a way for each of us to uniquely cope with the difficult things in our difficult days. 

Invite The Big House along to one of your SHAKEN sessions. We would love to share key biblical truths about our UNSHAKEABLE God with your young people, as well as some top tips in trying out and using the SHAKEN book.

Order SHAKEN today or click here to find out more about the Leader’s Package.


STEADY is a resource, designed to help young people find balance in life – no matter what is happening right now, or in the future.

STEADY is packed full of exercises, reflections and stories to help you strengthen the core of you (your mind, heart and soul) and access God’s constant steadiness in your day-to-day life. Through practical tips and an exploration of God’s hope; STEADY will help you find balance in your everyday.What does it mean to be STEADY? Firmly fixed, supported, balanced, not shaking?

Get in touch by clicking below if you would like us to come and take a Steady session, or if you would like to have some support in using the resource.

You can order Steady today as well as the Leader’s guide by clicking here.

Coping with difficulty

No matter what our young people experience, if they find something difficult then it is important that they are able to cope with it well.
This interactive session allows young people to explore various coping mechanisms which may help them, regardless of whatever difficulty they are facing. Together we will discover that healthy coping mechanisms (such as talking to someone we trust) are better for us compared to unhealthy coping mechanisms (such as self-harm and isolation)

Helping friends

“I’ve got your back” is a session that helps young people to think about how they can be good friends to one another, and how to help a friend when they are facing something difficult. In this session we look at Biblical examples of friendship and work out practically the things that are helpful, and unhelpful in friendship.

Time out- Exam Stress

Revision, coursework, exams, timetables, deadlines, job applications and a pressure to succeed can leave many of us with stressful, overwhelming and/or anxious thoughts. In these moments of stress - what do you do?

In this session we will together be taking TIME OUT to explore simple yet helpful things which each of us can do to cope well when life feels stressful.  We will also take some time together to investigate and rest in the incredible biblical promise that our true worth and value is in Christ – no matter what our results, our victories, or our failures.

EVERYbody is good

Learning to love who we are - the way we are!

EVERYbody is different and EVERY body is different. This session will help young people to begin to see themselves, their bodies - and others- in the way that God does.

Stepping Stones

Helps young people to work out how to tell a trusted adult or friends something important. Young people are often told to tell someone when something is bothering them. But how do they of that? This resource practically helps.

Booking enquiry form.

If you would like to book Chris for your group, then please fill out this form and we will be in touch as soon as we can!